
  • Openings to Fill? The Test Confronting Employers in a Precarious Job Market
    Career 2024. 5. 21. 16:46

    The job market in the UK has experienced significant fluctuations recently. While it was booming for a while, it has now started to cool down. This shift presents both challenges and opportunities for employers looking to hire. To understand these dynamics better, we spoke with recruiters to gain insights into the difficulties businesses face and strategies they can employ to stand out in a competitive environment.
    Navigating a Shifting Job Market

    In recent months, the UK's job market has been remarkably tight, with the unemployment rate hovering around a near 50-year low of 3.6% between July and September 2023. This has been a result of a red-hot job market driven by post-COVID recovery efforts. "I've never seen such an active, buoyant market," says Charlotte Pember, director at the legal recruitment firm Taylor Root. "It was incredible."

    However, the Bank of England forecasts that this low unemployment rate won't last. By the end of 2023, unemployment is expected to rise to 4.9% and could reach 6.4% by the end of 2025. Despite the still high number of job vacancies post-pandemic, the number of available positions has been declining for four consecutive periods from August to October 2023.

    Recruiters have noted a significant slowdown since the summer. "The taps have been switched off," Pember observes, adding, "now we are seeing that things are very quiet." One might assume that a cooling job market would benefit employers looking to hire, but this transition poses its own set of challenges. Employers are now caught between rising salary expectations and tighter budgets, alongside a shortage of experienced talent.

    Rising Salaries and Budget Constraints

    The tight job market of 2023, characterized by a surplus of jobs and a shortage of workers, has driven up salaries. As the economy slows and businesses start to tighten their belts, a gap is emerging between what employers can offer and what candidates expect. This issue is exacerbated by the cost of living crisis, which has further raised salary expectations. "In the legal industry, salaries went up by around 30% over the past 18 months," says Pember. "But we don’t expect salaries to keep rising in this market."

    This trend is not confined to the legal sector. "The leap in pay clients were willing to offer has really clamped down," says Max Tullis-Turner, practice lead at recruitment specialist Blue Pelican, which operates in various sectors including marketing and tech. "Yet candidates still have the expectation that they are worth £10,000 more than they are." This misalignment can make it difficult for employers to reach agreements with top-tier candidates. As Tullis-Turner points out, if you're looking for a "poster person" to make a significant impact at your company, you need to pay "poster person money."

    Job Security Concerns

    Even for employers who are willing and able to offer higher salaries, finding the right candidates can be challenging. "Economic uncertainty will make people hesitant to leave a stable position in a business that is doing well," explains Colin Doree, head of recruitment at Blue Pelican. This reluctance to switch jobs leaves the market with a shortage of experienced candidates.

    "The demand is for solid experience," says Pember, referring to candidates who have been working in an industry for years and can bring expertise to a business. "But there’s apprehension in the market about what will happen in the next year. If you’re brilliant and at a good firm, you’re not looking to jump ship in this market."

    For businesses, it’s not just about filling vacancies. The cost of hiring someone in the UK is high, and finding the right fit is crucial. While graduates and less experienced candidates can inject new energy into a business, it also takes time to develop the expertise needed to drive an organization forward.

    Strategies for Attracting the Right Talent

    So, how can businesses stand out and attract the right talent in such a challenging environment? The recruiters we spoke to emphasized the importance of consistency. "Employers should maintain the same levels of responsiveness and quality you would have in a positive market," says Pember, "as you always want to be seen in a positive light."

    Maintaining consistency in the recruitment process can help smaller businesses differentiate themselves, especially when larger companies are pulling back. Being upfront about what the job entails, what you are offering, and why the candidate should choose you is also crucial.

    "Post-COVID, many people are more interested in their work/life balance," explains Tullis-Turner. "They also want a job that is meaningful and makes a difference." Therefore, if your company doesn’t have immediate name recognition, you need to communicate the unique challenges and opportunities the role offers.

    Moreover, providing evidence of job security is essential. "Chances are, candidates don’t know how safe your environment and opportunity is," Doree asserts. "No one wants to be last in, first out. So there must be some form of evidence or communication which demonstrates how stable an environment you can offer."

    Emphasizing Work-Life Balance and Meaningful Work

    Many candidates are now prioritizing jobs that offer a good work-life balance and a sense of purpose. Companies need to highlight these aspects during the recruitment process. Offering flexible work arrangements, remote work options, and opportunities for professional development can make a significant difference in attracting top talent.

    Leveraging Technology and Social Media

    In today’s digital age, leveraging technology and social media can enhance your recruitment efforts. Utilizing platforms like LinkedIn for job postings and networking can increase your reach. Additionally, showcasing your company culture through social media can attract candidates who resonate with your values and mission.


    The current job market presents a complex landscape for employers. While the cooling market might seem advantageous for hiring, it also brings challenges such as rising salary expectations and a shortage of experienced talent. Employers need to be strategic in their approach, emphasizing job security, work-life balance, and meaningful work to attract the right candidates.

    By maintaining consistency in the recruitment process, being transparent about job roles and benefits, and leveraging technology, businesses can navigate these challenges effectively. As the job market continues to evolve, staying adaptable and responsive to candidates’ needs will be crucial for successful recruitment.

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